Tag: jugend forscht
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.: Pussykat :. by ~tainted-orchid on deviantART

topic: jugend forscht
linkerei (3 comments)  ist dem noch was hinzuzufuegen?  

Heute festgestellt

Piranhas mögen es nicht, wenn man ihnen tief in die Augen schaut, da machense die Biege.

topic: jugend forscht
linkerei (3 comments)  ist dem noch was hinzuzufuegen?  

Komm nach HausE.

(schrob mein Kint mir gestern als 1. sms in sein Leben an seine Mudda, gegen 9, oder so. Abgemacht war, halb 10 gehta ins Bett weil heute Rugby Turnier)

topic: jugend forscht
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Meine Güte

sonn Caipiahmt mitte Mädels is schon sone Ernstzunehmende Angelegenheit. Überlebenstechnisch geshn. kasi=um

topic: jugend forscht
linkerei (6 comments)  ist dem noch was hinzuzufuegen?  

Meine Fresse, waddett nich alles am geben ies

topic: jugend forscht
linkerei (3 comments)  ist dem noch was hinzuzufuegen?  

Nonn Test

My Personal Dna Report

....... You are Free-Wheeling

Your charismatic nature, liveliness, and independence make you FREE-WHEELING.

You don't mind being in the spotlight, preferring social gatherings to quiet nights at home.

You take a practical approach to people, not getting too involved in their feelings—or their business.

At the same time, your acceptance of others leads you to be understanding of their life circumstances, even if you don't quite understand their emotional reactions to some things.

Although you have a wide circle of friends, you're very discerning as to whom you can trust.

You're not rigid in your beliefs about the world, and you don't want to impose your perspective on others, but at the same time, you know that plenty of people don't always act responsibly.

Engaging with others is a large part of how you live in the world, and most importantly, it plays a role in how you see yourself—you tend to learn a lot about yourself in situations where you are with other people.

vonne Frau M.v.K.

Aber wieviel da auch stehen tut.

topic: jugend forscht
linkerei (no comments)  ist dem noch was hinzuzufuegen?  


bin ich also.

Den Ersten Teil hab ich ja schon gelesen, deshalb note to myself:read part 2 as well

topic: jugend forscht
linkerei (one comment)  ist dem noch was hinzuzufuegen?  


topic: jugend forscht
linkerei (no comments)  ist dem noch was hinzuzufuegen?  

Vonne Frau Lu abgeklebt

My pirate name is:
Iron Anne Kidd
A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from fidius.org.

topic: jugend forscht
linkerei (no comments)  ist dem noch was hinzuzufuegen?  


topic: jugend forscht
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der Augenblick, wo....

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Du gehörst grad nich dazu, mein Kind...eintreten?
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